About us

Reverend Canon Jack Noble is the rector of St Giles-without-Cripplegate which is sited within the Barbican Estate. Intrigued by the legend of the medieval Jewish cemetery by the City’s Wall, Fr Jack invited Jews living in and around the Barbican area to discuss the mystery and to see if light could be shed on the stories.

Gradually the informal group developed from drinking tea in the rectory to a team of professionals living or working in the City with a variety of skills.  Among our number is a medievalist historian and writer, researchers, an architect, plus musicians and composers. The project now involves people of all faiths and none, who live and work in and around the Barbican area.

Throughout we’ve enjoyed the constant support and help of Fr Jack. He introduced us to Mark Gettleson, the Head of Campaigns and Community Engagement at the City of London, who has been a constant friend and support to the project and encouraged us to apply to the Culture Mile BID’s community fund whose initial grant gave us the impetus to launch the project. We are also delighted to enjoy the support of the City of London School for Girls. We shall be announcing more supporters and sponsors in due course.

Outside the City Wall, view of Bastion 12 and moat next to the location of the medieval Jewish cemetery.