
William, Duke of Normandy, William I of England, a descendant of Scandinavians who had invaded and occupied Normandy, defeated King Harold and occupied England in 1066. In 1068 King William brought Jews from Rouen to London. Jews were under William’s “protection”, meaning they had no freedom, their safety from harm depended on the King and they and everything they owned belonged to the King.

London was still that rough square mile enclosed by what was originally a Roman wall.

Gradually Jewish communities were established in other places, among them York, Winchester, and Lincoln.

Above: Imaginary portrait of William I of England by Anonymous, around 1500. National Portrait Gallery, London.

Above: Image thought to be of King Edward I. Sedilia at Westminster Abbey, erected during his reign (1272- 1307). 


William Duke of Normandy invades England and defeats King Harold at the Battle of Hastings.


King William brings Jews from Rouen.


Establishment of the Jewish cemetery situated outside the City wall. Until 1177 the cemetery is the sole permitted Jewish burial ground in England.


Charter of Liberties is issued by Henry I allowing Jews in trade to travel in England, and placing them under the King’s protection.


Avraham ben Ezra, a famous Talmudic scholar visits the London Jewish community.


Rabbi Yacov of Orleans dies in London and is interred in the Jewish burial ground.

Jews are not allowed to attend the coronation of King Richard I. Nevertheless, some gather outside the Abbey, are seen and murdered by the mob. Rabbi Yacov is believed to be among those killed.


Charter for the Protection of the Jews is issued by King Richard I.


Exchequer of the Jews is established by King Richard to deal with disputes regarding debts owed by Christians to Jews.


The barons massacre London’s Jews. Many of their houses are destroyed and the stones taken to repair the City Wall.


Domus Conversorum is established in London, to encourage the conversion of the Jews to Christianity.


Massacre of 700 Jews and destruction of the synagogue in Lothbury by the citizens of London.


Massacre of many of the Jewish population by Simon de Montfort’s men after the Battle of Lewes. Many took refuge in the Tower of London.


Jewish financiers are falsely accused of coin-clipping and tried, leading to executions in London.


On Tisha b’Av, 18 July, Edward I, deeply indebted to the Jewish financiers, issues the Edict of Expulsion, forcing the entire Jewish population of England to leave by All Saints Day, 1 November.


Following a “humble plea” from Manasseh ben Israel, a Sephardi Jew living in Amsterdam, Oliver Cromwell allows Jewish resettlement in London. He also openly acknowledges the existence of Jewish people already living in England.

Remains of the City Wall, Bastion 13 and other buildings in Barber-Surgeons’ Gardens.